
These are the general rules of etiquette. You should be familiar with them, but are not required to memorize them word for word.

The belt should not be worn while traveling to or from the doe-chang. Uniforms should only be worn to practice TKD with our club.

Do not wear shoes inside the doe-chang.

Students should line up from front to back and right to left in order of rank. If you are not wearing the formal uniform, you should line up at the back of the class.

The high-belt of the class is the highest ranking student after the instructor. The high belt is responsible for calling the class to attention at the beginning and end to have them bow to the flags and sah-bum-nim. After bowing at the end of class, the high belt will end the class by saying “hecha.” Students should respond with “kum-sum-ee-da.”

You should be in the doe-chang before class so that it can begin on time.

If you are late to class, you should take the next available space, bow, and then do a small warm-up consisting of 50 jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, and leg lifts. If the class is just starting and is in the middle of the super-set, you may join when you get to sit-ups. If you are very late and have missed significant portions of the warm-up, the instructor will give you guidance on what to do.

You should know the definition of tae kwon do, aims to achieve, theory of power, school rules, basic school language, counting, and definitions for any forms that you have been taught. You should be able to recite any of these at any time.

Always face the front of the class unless directed otherwise by the instructor.

However, when fixing a uniform, face away from the front of the room and the flags. Bow both before and after fixing your uniform.

Do not break the line of the class. That is, do not walk through a row or between two other people standing in formation or when partnered. The instructor is the only one that should do this and only when it is appropriate.

Do not take a break from the class to get water.

Remain ready at all times.

Do not practice techniques on your own within the class.

Do not spar outside of class.

You should only perform techniques that you have been taught by your instructor..

You should not teach techniques to other students unless asked to teach them by their instructor.

Lower belts should not give unrequested comments to higher belts.

When a higher belt is giving comments, you should remain quiet while listening.

If you must leave class immediately for any reason and the instructor’s attention cannot be had, make sure you at least alert someone else in the class. That person can then alert the instructor.

If you see someone leave the class and it doesn’t appear the instructor knows, you should inform the instructor.

Do not do anything that will cause injury to yourself or others.

You should inform the instructor of any limiting injuries you may have.

If the instructor asks you to do something that you believe may cause you injury for some reason the instructor might not know, you should inform the instructor of the issue or concern.

You should not wear jewelry or other objects that could pose a danger to others, including watches. The exceptions are articles necessary for medical reasons and articles such as a wedding ring or religious icon. These may be worn if they do not present a hazard to others and are approved by the instructor.

A black belt should be address as Sah-bum-nim followed by their first name. Beginning at fourth dan, a black belt should be addressed as Master followed by their last name.

You should use formal terms when in the class, when outside of the class in uniform, and in tae kwon do related communications.

If you are unable to attend class for more than a week, you should let the instructor know.